SMART4ENV aims to improve TUBITAK MAM R&I capacities to strengthen its scientific reputation, attractiveness and networking channels while stimulating scientific excellence in the field of Smart Environmental Solutions (SES) for climate change adaptation and mitigation of key applications for the Turkish economy within water, agriculture, and public health sectors. TUBITAK MAM is the leading institution in Turkey, that needs to keep improving at the international level because of the overall, research (refers to the volume, impact and quality of the institution’s research output), innovation (calculated on the number of patent applications of the institution and the citations that its research output receives from patents), and societal (based on the number of pages of the institution’s website and the number of backlinks and mentions from social networks) rankings. The project will develop capacity building of permanent scientists, Early-Stage Researchers (ESR) training, enlarge cooperation between academia, industry, and stakeholders in Turkey with a general sustainable framework for research, international networking, mobility, and integration in the European Research Area (ERA). Strengthening the experience of researcher staff of TUBITAK MAM, including a new generation of young scientists, will be developed through the cooperation with EU partners of established scientific excellence in the topics and demonstrated experience in economic impact and awareness raising to at the end contribute to the implementation of environmental sustainability, digitalization, and green deal action plans of Turkey.

The overall activities will be coordinated and managed through WP1 to ensure an efficient, smooth, and timely execution of project activities including corresponding quality assurance procedures to control and mitigate potential risk that may arise. Besides, such task will allow to test TUBITAK MAM acquired skills on WP4.
SMART4ENV will step-up TUBITAK’s excellence through a series of activities addressed to increase development of the human resources and build capacity on targeted research domains addressing selected key knowledge and research gaps. The involved tasks ensure that required knowledge transfer to contribute to the sustainability of the institution will be achieved through a designed mobility programme and specialized trainings. As a result, it will be possible to enlarge the framework of projects activities to the society and to establish mechanisms to reinforce the cooperation after the project, maximizing the impact of research, enabling the value of results to be potentially wider than the original focus.
ESRs capacity building, mentoring, and networking, through online courses, trainings, and summer schools to create a critical and coherent mass of ESR, expertise and awareness related to SES applied to targeted research domains. The designed activities are addressed to guarantee further recruit in Turkey of Turkish expert ESR, so that the expertise will remain in the country and promote further longer exchanges and program outside of SMART4ENV project.
Once analysed the research management capabilities of TUBITAK MRC, a strategic plan will be implemented to strengthen TUBITAK MAM’s research management and administration skills, promote cooperation with industry, effectively implement projects and ensure sound financial management during the entire life cycle of cooperation projects.
SMART4ENV will establish the required sustainability strategy to define the key elements that TUBITAK MAM needs to deliver the expected outputs. The included actions will provide the basis to step-up and continue the growth of TUBITAK MAM under own capabilities and experience, supported by necessary tools to effectively monitor excellence evolution and sustainability. Such strengthening will be continuously monitored.
Ensure full visibility of the project for a maximum impact within/external to the consortium reaching the widest audience. Through this WP, TUBITAK MAM will capitalize dissemination and communication activities to achieve the required promotion and reputation strengthening at an international dimension for successful establishment of future enlarged collaboration frameworks. Besides, SMART4ENV will optimize and valorise the outcomes of project to ensure post-project heritage capitalization by target stakeholders because of disseminated and communicated outputs.

Expected Outcomes
Spected impact

Our innovative approach is improving environmental quality, public health, and resilience to climate change, thanks to our smart technological solutions that provide intelligent, connected, and responsive environmental services. We are also fostering a sustainable use of water and enhancing treatment systems for stable effluents quality, resulting in a better customer experience and improved communication

Expected Outcomes
Study cases

Case studies will favor the innovative solution finding and transferring know-how, lessons learnt and best practices through networking activities from EU partners to TUBITAK MRC while developing capacity building and dissemination.